Monday, January 25, 2010

A Special Moment You Enjoyed With Your Family


Everyone's busy. Me and my siblings have been busy with school while my parents are always at work. There's always absolutely no time where we could all spend some quality-time together, as a family. Well today, I'm really excited. We decided to take a break and go overseas so that we could have some fun together. I was thrilled when I heard that we would be going to Genting Highlands!

We packed our bags and left in the afternoon. It was a tiring journey to Genting and I was glad when we arrived there at night. It was so cold up there! Thank goodness I had remembered to bring along a jacket. We checked in the hotel before having our supper at Marybrown. The next morning, we woke up early and scrambled down to the entrance to the Outdoor Theme Park. We rushed in with great enthusiasm to play the games found there. Thankfully, there was not many people at that time and we managed to have some fun on many of the games. About midday, more and more people started to stream into the Theme Park and we got quite frustrated when we found the queues to many of the games really long. You have no idea how long I'm referring to!

On one occasion, I and my father was filled with enthusiasm and we wanted the most breathtaking and thrilling ride yet. Thus, we planned to take on 'the Big Thing', the Corkscrew, which is the largest, scariest and fastest roller coaster there was there. My siblings were nervous and chickened out. However we managed to persuade them to join in the fun in the end. The ride was amazing and I was satisfied and and happy to have gotten the opportunity to have taken it.

Well, good things have to come to a close and the day was almost over. Despite being worn-out from all that fun, we reluctantly left the Outdoor Theme Park to have dinner before we left for Singapore. I really enjoyed the trip, partly because the games that we played were spectacular, nothing that can be compared to the games found here! But most importantly, I'm happy that I managed to spend this priceless moment with my loved-ones. Enjoying yourself with the ones that you love, that's something I could never exchange with anything in the world. I hoped we could spent more time together in the future. It's something that we all enjoy doing together.

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